We are a group of creative people who help organizations make their ideas beautiful.
One of the largest life science companies in the world
Bayer has identified that feeding a growing world population while also respecting the planet’s boundaries is a massive challenge for the decades ahead. Equipped with the research, resources, and reach necessary, Bayer is committed to leading the future of agriculture.
When the decision was made to move the traditional February Crop Science pipeline announcement to a Media/Investor event in June, Bayer Crop Science leadership faced the task of sharing their future vision, “Innovation in service of Sustainable Agriculture,” to a diverse audience of investors, media, employees, and the general public.
“Regenerative Agriculture” is a nebulous term, and Bayer needed to be a leader in defining its significance in a captivating way.
With a precise delivery window of 3 months, Bayer asked us to help develop and bring to life the Innovation Summit. We knew that our technology paired with relatable storytelling could turn their audiences into admirers.
Our immersive stage design followed along with the speakers’ stories, visually emphasizing the importance of Bayer’s work.
75+ LED panels allowed our presenters to feature vibrant, memorable imagery in their stories.
Each of our deliverables was created to offer engagement, with the goal to retain attention. Iconography was designed to communicate the critical technologies needed to achieve Bayer’s goals and “deep dive” presentations showed exactly how they’d be put to use.
And, if you still couldn’t picture it, our virtual 3D “Farms of the Future” dynamically showcased how Bayer’s innovations will positively impact farming and the world in years to come.
A few of our favorite moments from the 3D “Farms of the Future”.
A mix of 2D and 3D animation brought the “Farms of the Future” to life and transported our audience around the world.
Since the event, over 100 unique visuals were derived from the presentation to be utilized on Bayer channels, displaying their value in the future of regenerative agriculture.